Home / Store / Christmas CDs / Single Artist/Group CDs / DL4173 - CD - Bender, Erich Children's Choir Sing Now and Rejoice German Christmas Carols

CD - Bender, Erich Children's Choir Sing Now and Rejoice German Christmas Carols

Track Listing:

Macht Hoch Die Tur, Die Tor Macht Weit (Chorale) (Open Wide the Door, Fling Wide the Gates) (Mixed Choir and Organ)

Es Koeet Ein Schiff, Geladen (The Ship Is Coming) (Children's Choir and String Quintet)

The Gospel According to St. Luke Verses 1-5 (Dudley Du Cret)

Maria Durch Ein' Dornwald Ging (Mary Went Through A Thornwood Forest) (Children's Choir)

The Gospel According to St. Luke Verses 6-7 (Dudley Du Cret)

Zu Bethlehem Geboren Ist Uns Ein Kindelein (A Child Is Born To Us IN Bethlehem) (Children's Choir and String Quintet)

Es Ist Ein Ros' Entsprungen (Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming) (Mixed Choir and Organ)

The Gospel According to St Luke Verse 8 (Dudley Du Cret)

Als Ich Bei Meinen Schafen Wacht' (While I Watched By My Sheep) (Children's Choir)

O Selige Nacht! In Himmlischer Pracht! (O Happy Night! In Heavenly Wonder!) (Children's Choir and String Quintet)

Ihr Hirten, Erwacht (Ye Shepherds Watch) (Children's Choir And String Quintet)

The Gospel according to St Luke Verses 9-11 (Dudley Du Cret)

Vom Himmel Hoch, Da Komm Ich Her (From Heaven On High I Come (Mixed Choir)

Der Heiland Ist Geboren, Freu Dich O Christenheit (The Savior Is Born, Rejoice Oh Christianity) (Children's Choir and Organ)

O Freundenreicher Tag (Oh Joyous Day) (Mixed Choir and String Quintet)

O Freude Uber Freude, Ihr Nachbarn Kommt Und Hort (Oh Joy of Joys, Ye Neighbors Come and Hear) (Children's Choir)

The Gospel According to St Luke Verses 12-14 (Dudley Du Cret)

Lobt Gott, Ihr Christen Allzugleich (Chorale) (Praise God, All Ye Christians Together) (Mixed Choir, Children's Choir, and Organ)

The Gospel According to St Luke Verse 15 (Dudley Du Cret)

Auf, Auf, Ihr Hirten, Euch Nicht Verweilet (Arise, Ye Shepherds, Do Not Linger) (Childrens Choir)

Kommet, Ihr Hirten, Ihr Manner Und Frau'n (Come Ye Shepherds, Men and Women) (Mixed Choir and Organ)

The Gospel According to St. Luke Verse 16 (Dudley Du Cret)

O, Heil'ges Kind, Wir Grussen Dich (Oh Holy Child, We Greet Thee) (Children's Choir and String Quintet)

Joseph, Lieber Joseph Mein (Joseph, My Beloved Joseph) (Children's Choir and Organ)

O Jesulein Zart, Dein Kripplein Ist Hart (Oh Tender Little Jesus, Your Crib Is Bare) (Children's Choir, Female Voice Choir, String Quintet)

Vom Himmel Hoch, O Englein Kommt (From Heaven on High An Angel Comes) (Children's Choir)

The Gospel According to St Luke Verse 17 (Dudley Du Cret)

In Dulci Jubilo, Nun Singet Und Seid Froh (In Dulci Jubilo, Sing Now and Rejoice) (Mixed Choir, Children's Choir, Organ)

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1 CD In Jewel Case

You will receive a cd in plastic cd jewel case. Jewel Case includes album front cover art. The side spine is printed with album release and artist information. The back contains a song listing and artist information (if the album features more than one performer).

Below you can add a vinyl LP record to your order if you wish.

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What Am I Buying?

We have purchased a number of copies of all the records we sell.  We have created CDs and MP3s of excellent quality using multiple recordings from the records we've purchased.  You will find the quality of our CDs to be superb.  In order to abide by copyright laws, we offer for sale records with the CDs and MP3s for our customers who do not already own the vinyl lps.  If you, like me, have held on to your records, you need only buy the CDs.  You already have a copyright obtained when you bought the records; therefore, copyright laws allow you to have a transfer copy of the original recording your purchased. 

All our CDs are printed directly - no labels - and include the song listing, artist/release name, and a thumbnail image of the front album artwork. CDs are packaged in plastic jewel case boxes. Our jewel cases include the front album artwork on the front and the song listing on the back. We do not include the back album artwork as we have found many album jackets contain a lot of text on the back which does not reduce down from the 12" album jacket to the 5" CD insert satisfactorily. The artist and release name are printed on the side spine.

Because we sell the vinyl records only to provide you a legal copyright and thus the legal right to own the transfer copy CD, we make no claims as to the quality or condition of the vinyl records you may receive.  The records you purchase may or may not have been used to create your CDs.   The sound quality of your CDs will be highly superior to the vinyl record you receive if you purchase lps. We give you the option to purchase a vinyl record (if we have them in stock) in the purchase options below the Song Listing of each item.

MP3 downloads are also available for many of our releases.  As with the CDs, you must own the record to purchase an MP3 download.  If you purchase the download, you will not receive a CD.  Of course, if you prefer to purchase the MP3 download to a CD, but you do not own the records, we are happy to sell you the records along with your download.

Sample Image of our CD

(Your CD will of course have the artwork and song listing for the album you purchase.)

Sample Image of our Jewel Case Front Cover

(Your jewel case will of course have the artwork for the album you purchase.)

Sample Image of our Jewel Case Back Cover

(Your jewel case will of course have the song listing for the album you purchase.)

Image of our Jewel Case Side Spine

(Both side spines are printed in this way.)

Sound Samples
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Christmas LPs to CD Operated by DLF Music Transfer, LLC
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